Sunday 5 January 2014

Tonight's Dinner - A bit of Jamie Oliver and a bit of the Cupcake lady's Pizza

Today has been a day of R&R , I decided to make Jamie Oliver pizza base and used whatever I had in the fridge and pantry for topping and what a Fabulous Combo. I hope you enjoy it too.

Jamie Oliver's Pizza Base (30-32 diameter in size)


1 1/2 mugs of self-raising flour, plus extra for dusting
1/2 mug of tepid water
a good pinch of salt
a good lug of olive oil

Place all ingredients in the food processor, whiz until smooth.
Place some flour and roll the dough into 1 cm thickness
Place on the pizza pan or oven proof pan.


I used as toppings ingredients I had in the Fridge and pantry, but the sky is the limit for tonight's pizza I added:

tomatoe paste (A MUST) 
Mozzarella cheese
Red onion
Fresh sage leaves 

COOK- the pizza under the grill for approx 6 minutes or until cook
GREEN SALAD - cherry tomatoes, fresh leaves, red onion, radishes.
I made a simple vinaigrette  by adding some balsamic vinegar, olive oil and a pinch of salt shake well and pour over the salad.


The Cupcake Lady

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